More about MAF

We started working with MAF in June 2009. Having spent a short time in the summer of 2006 at their base in Nairobi, Kenya we knew we wanted to commit to them long term.

MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) is a worldwide Christian organisation operating over 125 light aircraft in more than 30 countries. Around 280 flights every day transport patients, relief teams, medical supplies and Christian workers in the world's remotest regions and places of deepest human need. Places where flying is not a luxury but a lifeline. Amazingly every 3 minutes, an MAF plane is taking off or landing somewhere in the world!!

Normally, passengers contribute a highly-subsidised fare towards the true cost. The balance comes from people concerned that others should have a better life, spiritually and physically. In the UK, MAF is a registered charity funded by voluntary gifts which help finance MAF's operational work and support services.

As an MAF family the work we are doing is funded completely by individual supporters and churches. If this is something you would be interested in doing please contact Debbie Martin at Supporter Relations mentioning our names. Her contact details are MAF UK, Castle House, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 2TN, UK, telephone 01303 850950 or email 
Many thanks in advance!

If you would like more information about MAF UK, take a few minutes to look at the following links ...

There is another way to support the work of MAF ... if you're an internet shopper the following link may have something you would like to buy for yourself or as a present for a friend while donating to MAF UK at the same time!